About Us

The team at Ritual & Quirk is tiny but dedicated. We’re so thrilled you have stopped by our online oasis and hope you walk away having learned something new!

We are Fans of All Things Tabletop Gaming & Immersive

Learn along with us.

Our previous projects have been spent on topics we consider ourselves to be experts on. Ritual & Quirk is our new baby and just like first-time parents, we have done our research but we’re definitely learning as we go.

Meet the Team

The Writers

There’s only two of us here at Ritual & Quirk (for now) but we hope you’ll find our voices to be entertaining and our content to be informative.

Morgan Danielle

Resident content strategist and lover of all things themed, Morgan jumps around from topic to topic and loves to build our lengthy how-to articles.

Matt Scott

Content manager extraordinaire, Matt helps keep our content in tip-top shape while writing blogs on the latest in themed experience news.

Share Your Voice With Us

If you’re looking for a way to shout from the treetops about your love for tabletop games or immersive experiences then this is the place. Reach out to us if you’d like to become a guest contributor.